Title: We Belong TogetherPairing: Hyukjae/Donghae, implied!Siwon/DonghaeGenre: Fluff, RomanceRating: PG-13Note: I honestly don’t know where this came from! I was bored in class and my friend and I we...
Okay so this was really just written on a whim because I was having an incredible amount of DaeJae feelsand it was practically demanded that I write Daejae coughKaicoughI honestly dont know where hal...
An adorable love letter from Hyunsik to Ilhoon. Because roleplay gives me a lot of feelings and sometimes these feelings need to be expressed.-shifty eyes- ... if anyone cares, that is.--- I dont kno...
Title: 088. NumbersPairing: Eeteuk/KyuhyunGenre: friendship, angstRating: PGPrompt: 100 SJ fics challenge on LivejournalNote: I wanted fluff, but I guess when it comes to this… I can’t do it. Sorry! ...
Well hello again! I hope you guys dont find me annoying already LOLOLL.Im back with a not-so-perfect fic in honour of my very perfect OTP.Its not my fault, I blame Kai for more Daejae feels and givin...
Title: Broken (Two-shot)Pairing: Kangjun/RayGenre: heavy, heavy angst (if I actually achieve the effect I desire, that is.)Rated: PG13(?) for mild language----Just a little more dabbling in the world...