• Title: Roses of LovePairing: Chorong/SuhoLength: 4000wRating: PG-13Genre: Romance, FluffSummary: Joonmyeons basically Chorongs guardian angel sent from heaven.{Sequel to The Hundredth Rose} ForewordI...
  • Youngmin is finally her boyfriendTheir relationship is growing wellYoungmin loves herAnd she loves Youngmin tooBut...A girlIs trying to destroy their relationshipJust because that girl wants Youngmin...
  • A patissier’s dream come true, this is EXO’s Patisserie. Everything from before, in between, and after ‘Soy Milk and Twisted Dough Sticks’ a series of oneshots and mini-stories of EXO’s sweet life fr...
  • Sequel for Last Goodbye:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/880288♥♥♥Tiny movements like tiny kicks.Tiny baby, a fathers bliss.Cant wait to give the tiny you,Huge hugs and lots of kisses, too. ♥♥♥...
  • What if you realize that you really love him not as bestfriend?Will there be a happy ever after for the both of you? Or it is too late? ---------------------------------------------------------------...
  • "We finally meet again, Kim Ahri." "Im sorry, but who are you?"  × Will she remember him? Are they going to be together?What if somethingㅡ or someone stops them from being together?What if everything...
  • I dont understand how everything was a dream, I dont even remember the crash yet here I am wasting away in a room on the seventh floor of Seouls hospital. My parents think Im insane, all I can do is ...
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